Success strategy for NEET PG

Dear students,


Even the drugs we used to treat our patients come with a proper dosage formula.

An over dosage can be harmful and sometimes even later. Similarly preparing for a competitive exam requires the right strategy for the preparation. They this is 1 of the most important fix of successful PG next preparation.


Hello students, for those who do not know I am Dr. Nishanth Singh co founder of com and we provide specialized programs for students who are not able to crack NEET PG/NEXT.


One common problem we come across among many students who are not able to crack me PG next is that the start of with programs which are very very extensive for example there are programs available in the market today which require around 5000 hours for learning see there is no harm with those programs but these are meant for students start preparing very early on even from their first year second year third year onwards.


So for all the other students there needs to be a strategy which can fetch very good result. Let us discuss some of the points in successful NEET PG next preparation strategy. Shall we?


1. Know your number

Knowing your number means knowing which PG seat you want to achieve, what is the minimum rank you need to get to get to that desired PG seat, what is the minimum score to achieve that rank?


For instance, if you look at the top few ranks let’s say the top 5 ranks in the last 5 years, the students would have scored around 700 plus out of 800 marks. This means they need to get around hundred and 75 to hundred and 80 questions correct.


Right? Now if you go to the next range, let us take a broad range.

If you look at students who got a rank around 10,000 they have fetched the score of 500+ marks which means they would have answered around 125 to 130 questions right. Knowing this is very important to plan your entire preparation journey so that’s number 1.


2. Importance of revision

Number 2 is that we see in all the top interviews ever the importance of revision.

So put it simply without repeating the whole gyaan here. You need to be able to revise at least twice if not more before the in next exam.


3. Covering all important topics

And number 3 which we can decipher from most of these interviews of toppers is, they do not skip an entire subject or an entire list of important topics that is also very important in your preparation.


So, how to achieve all these 3 in a time bound manner is a million dollar question. We will discuss about it in the upcoming video.