FMGE ReWise: Notes

High yield notes of all subjects, for last minute revision.

# Must know topics repeatedly asked in exams in one place



As seen on

Students can opt to better revise for the exam with the help of Docemy’s newly launched programme.”

Enroll Now 👉


In the news

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” – Michael Jordan



This time, let’s make it happen with high yield notes.

All that you need. Nothing you don't.

# Designed to gel with your revision schedule

  • Must know topics repeatedly asked in exams in one place
  • 19 subjects x 19 booklets
  • Bullet points, tables, flowcharts for easy reading and recall
  • Max your MCQ strike rate in FMGE
  • 👉 ReWise Sample Notes 🤩🤩🤩

Crack FMGE 2022 guarantee. 🙌

# ReWise notes is 200+ pages of only ultra high yield content. What we guarantee is it will max your MCQ strike rate in FMGE 2022.

  1. We often have to search through multiple sources to learn the ‘must know’ topics that are repeatedly asked in FMGE.  We have created ReWise Notes as a source of such topics from each subject for you to read and revise conveniently. 
  2. The high yield of ReWise Notes will be evident as you go through MCQs is various question banks. Enroll today to get started. 

Entry fees

# Entry fees is Rs. 499 – Rs. 1999 on a first-come first-serve basis. Enroll now. 👉

"Hi name is Anil Thomas. I just got rank 83 for aiims. I must say, this is a bloody brilliant piece of work. Just too good."

Dr. Anil Thomas, Rank 83, AIIMS

"It is my fortune to write this. I got admitted in MD Anesthesia at NRS Medical College, Kolkata. And the credit to a greater extent goes to high yield Notes. The notes were thoroughly helpful. Easy grasp and quick revision were its salient features. Many questions were direct extracts."

Dr. Diptangshu Das


What is Rewise Notes? 🧑🏻‍🚀


  • Rapid revision for FMGE

When will it launch?🚀

  • Live now
  • All modules are open for 31 days

Are 19 subjects there? 


Yes, all 19 subjects notes are available separately

How many pages are included? 


  • The notes is concise with 200+ pages
  • Each page includes frequently asked topics as bullet points which can be completed in 10 mins of focused reading.

Is the price all inclusive? 


  • Yes. There are no additional hidden fees for all the 19 subjects. Rs. 499 is the price for early subscribers for believing in us early.

Will I get all subjects if I subscribe now?

  • Yes, all 19 subject notes are available if you subscribe now.

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